Youthreach is a Department of Education and Skills official education, training and work experience programme for early school leavers aged 16 – 20. It offers young people the opportunity to identify options within adult life, and provides them with opportunities to acquire certification. As it operates on a full-time, year-round basis, Youthreach has a continuous intake policy.
Tramore Youthreach, which is part of the Waterford & Wexford Education and Training Board, is a community based second chance centre of education situated in Tramore. Tramore Youthreach opened in December, 2007, catering for 6 students. It was originally located on Priest Road Tramore but as numbers grew it quickly moved to Seapoint Business Park, Riverstown, Tramore. The Centre now consists of 16 students.
The Centre includes a computer suite, woodwork room, large kitchen / canteen, art room, recreational room, study hubs and classrooms. The Centre is a shared building with Community Education, BTEI and Adult Education.
The Centre is open to 16 – 20 year olds. Application forms are available in the Centre and on line. A training allowance is payable to students on attending and engaging in the program.
The Centre offers a full Leaving Certificate Applied programme as well as some subjects at level 4. The Centre has access to a student counsellor once a week and in addition to its academic programme also offers football and outdoor pursuits and educational trips throughout the year. Work Experience is part of the LCA program and students have the opportunity to engage in several different work experience programs throughout the two years. Students get an opportunity to engage in the Michael Sweetman educational trust, where students go on a trip to Strasbourg and to the European Parliament.